Retired Content

Learn why a video may have been removed or retired.

Some lessons are removed entirely as they are revised, while others are kept accessible for some time after making changes. Recently retired lessons can sometimes be found in a “Retired Lessons” section at the end of a course unit. But for the best and more accurate learning experience, we recommend using the most current version of each lesson.

The video you may be looking for may have been retired for one of the following reasons:

  • The video required updates to better align with current medical practices.
  • We are making changes based on user feedback. For example, the video may have previously been too long.
  • The video required revisions to better reflect Sketchy’s equity and editorial guidelines. For example, we may have removed a stigmatizing name for a disease, or we may have added additional context regarding race- or gender-based risk factors.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this topic, please reach out to us via email at

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