Sketchy Approved Transactions

Sketchy subscriptions and extensions can only be purchased through the Sketchy official site. We do not offer Sketchy services through any other avenues and advise our users to be cautious of external offers.

All major credit or debit cards with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express logo are accepted. Paypal, Venmo, and Google Pay are also accepted at checkout. You will have immediate access to your subscription once your payment has been approved following the end of your trial period. If you did not receive immediate access, but were successfully charge for a subscription purchase, please email immediately.

To pay with Paypal, Venmo, or Google Pay simply click your preferred payment method at the top of the checkout screen as seen below.

This checkout page is displayed in dark mode (preference setting).

If you select Paypal, Venmo, or Google Pay as your preferred payment method, you will be redirected to a new browser to enter your third party login and complete your purchase.
Example: Paypal login screen

Please keep in mind, the PURCHASE button will not become available until all payment and billing information has been completed. By confirming your purchase, you are agreeing to our policies and terms of use.

Please keep in mind, All Sketchy Medical, Sketchy Pharmacy, Sketchy PA, and Sketchy Nursing subscription plans are auto-renew plans. This policy is agreed to upon purchase. For more information, please see our help center article, "Auto-Renewing Active Plans".

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